FLaG Writing Workshop
- Date
- Friday 12 February 2021, 10am - 4pm
- Location
- Online (Teams)
- Category
- Workshop
Writing Workshops restart Friday 12th February 2021
Dr Sharon Elley/FlaG research centre hold PGR writing workshops every fortnight. These start in Semester 2 from Friday 12th February from 10am-4pm. Come and join us!
The session runs on Microsoft Teams. It is a space for us to collectively and supportively face the challenges of writing together. There is time for us to chat, set goals, write, and reflect on our progress in a friendly and collegial environment.
The session is set up so you can attend just the morning, the afternoon or both. Children, pets etc. welcome.
The agenda is as follows:
10.00 Welcome, introductions and goal setting for the day
10.30 – 11.30 write (1 hrs)
11.-30 – 11.45 coffee break
11.45 – 1 pm write (1 hrs 15 mins)
1pm – 1.30 lunch break catch up and chat – reminder of goals-welcome to anyone joining us for pm session
1.30 – 2.30 write (1 hrs)
2.30 – 2.45 coffee break
2.45 – 3.45 write (1hrs)
3.45 – 4.00 reflection and goodbyes.
If you are interested, then please sign-up (for all the dates you would like to attend) with Karen Tatham on edu1kjt@leeds.ac.uk, Emma Hyde on ss13e2h@leeds.ac.uk or contact Sharon for further details on s.t.elley@leeds.ac.uk.