About the Centre
FLaG welcomes applications to fully funded ESRC studentship award
We are delighted to have been awarded a fully funded ESRC PhD Collaborative studentship, led by Sarah Irwin. In partnership with Born in Bradford and its Age of Wonder qualitative longitudinal study with young people, we welcome applications to: Shaping the Future: Bradford young people's engagement with the future through action in the present Click...
Translating the value of Qualitative Longitudinal Research Across Disciplines: Bren Neale and Jonas Masdonati in conversation, 5th March
We are delighted to invite you to a seminar where Prof. Bren Neale (Leeds) and Dr. Jonas Masdonati (Lausanne, and FLaG Visiting Fellow) will present and be ‘In Conversation’ about the value of Qualitative Longitudinal research methodology for capturing and interrogating social processes as they unfold over time
Joint FLaG /SSP research symposium on 21st Feb: Vocational pathways, inequalities and the meanings of (decent) work
With SSP, FLaG is co-hosting a research seminar: 'Vocational pathways, inequalities and the meanings of (decent) work', a mini symposium with Jonas Masdonati (Lausanne), Kim Allen and Karen Tatham (Leeds): abstracts and details here. All welcome
Translating the value of Qualitative Longitudinal Research Across Disciplines. Prof. Bren Neale and Dr. Jonas Masdonati
Neale in Conversation Event SSP March 20Prof. Bren Neale (Leeds) and Dr. Jonas Masdonati (Lausanne, and FLaG Visiting Fellow) will...
Vocational pathways, inequalities and the meanings of (decent) work: a mini symposium
We are delighted to invite you to a symposium with 3 complementary presentations from Jonas, Kim and Karen. Each will...
Maintaining Gendered Practice. Dr. Bonita Carroll
Join here ABSTRACT Carroll’s research documents the lived experience of women working as tradespersons in large industrial plants associated with...