FLaG hosts Dr. Jonas Masdonati
We are delighted to host Jonas Masdonati, University of Lausanne, through February and March. Jonas will be 'In Conversation' with Prof Bren Neale in an expert session on Qualitative Longitudinal Research and he will be contributing to a mini research symposium on vocational pathways, inequalities and work as part of the SSP seminar series. He will also be collaborating with FLaG members and colleagues. Please contact him if you want to introduce yourself. Jonas' profile follows.
Jonas Masdonati is an associate professor of vocational psychology at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. He is head of the Research Centre for Vocational Psychology and Career Counseling (CePCO) and president of the European Society for Vocational Designing and Career Counseling (ESVDC). He is associate editor of the journal L’Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle and consulting editor of the Journal of Career Assessment. His teaching and research activities focus on career transitions, decent and dignified work, meaning in work, occupational identity, and vocational education and training. ORCID RG Google Scholar