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Welfare at a (Social) Distance


New research project funded by UKRI’s rapid response to COVID-19

FLaG member Dr Daniel Edmiston is Principal Investigator on a new IAA project, Welfare at a (Social) Distance: Building a Community of Practice to Improve Income, Benefits and Employment Support During COVID-19 and its Aftermath.

The ESRC Impact Acceleration Account awarded project aims to bring together local and national stakeholders to identify urgent gaps in knowledge, share information and best practice for evidence-driven policy campaigning and advocacy work. To find out more about this project, along with other IAA Case Studies visit the Leeds Social Sciences Institute website.

The project is an extension of the impact and dissemination activities planned as part of  Welfare at a (Social) Distance, a major national research project funded by the Economic and Social Research Council as part of UK Research and Innovation’s rapid response to COVID-19. Dr Edmiston is co-investigator on the Welfare at a Social Distance project.