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We run a range of different events including research seminars, workshops and research methods training.

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Using research to inform policy: some thoughts from the field


Speakers' slides are available here Informing policy for FLaG Planning a pathway into policy Policy Case Study - Katie Ellis The utilisation of evidence-based research is essential to those who both shape and fund policy, at either a local or a national level. However, there a number of reasons for poor research utilisation including a...

FLaG Work in Progress workshop 4th March (11 am - 12 midday)


This WiP workshop looks at research into student experience, with presentations from both Nick Emmel (SSP) and Stacey Mottershaw (LUBS). The different experiences of averaged students - Nick Emmel (SSP) for the DASE research and scholarship group I report on a survey conducted at a northern Russell Group university with taught undergraduate and postgraduate students to investigate...

FLaG (and friends) Writing Days


FLaG Writing Day: Friday 11th February, MS Teams, 10-4pm Teams link: FLaG Writing Day: Friday 11th March, MS Teams, 10-4pm Teams link: Description: The session will run on Microsoft Teams and will be facilitated by FLaG PhD student, Emma Hyde – come and join us! It is a space for us to collectively and supportively...

FLaG Work In Progress workshop 4th Feb


Our next 'Work in Progress' lunchtime session is on Friday the 4th of February (1-2pm) on MS Teams. We'll begin with Gemma Carr who will talk about her PhD research exploring inequalities in service children's access to education. As usual, there will be time for discussion and questions around Gemma's work: Gemma Carr - “The best thing you...

Analysing and theorising from qualitative data


the slides are now available here- Stevenson Theorising from data This workshop will focus on analysing and theorising from qualitative data, using both deductive or inductive approaches. We will, first, aim to build theory from a set of interview transcripts, and then explore the same transcripts through two different theoretical ‘lenses’. We will also explore...

FLaG Work in Progress workshop: 21st Jan


For this upcoming workshop, Rados Keravica and Hanaa Mustafa will share their PhD work in progress, both with a focus around child participation and human rights. Rados is a third year PGR in SSP and CDS, and Hanaa is a first year PGR in the School of Education. Please find their titles and abstracts below: Rados Keravica - “Disabled Children’s...

Writing together workshop: Friday 10th December


FLaG research centre will be holding a PGR writing day on Friday 10th December from 10am-4pm. The session will run on Microsoft Teams and will be facilitated by FLaG PhD student, Emma Hyde - come and join us! It is a space for us to collectively and supportively face the challenges of writing together. There is time for us...

How to Influence Policy through Research. Managing relationships and complexity


This session will explore some of the pitfalls and possibilities in working with policy makers and policy influencers. Dr Daniel Edmiston, whose research focuses on social policy, welfare politics and inequality, will discuss his experience of working with think tanks and policy influencers including problems of ownership and diffuse nature of "impact"; the intangible impacts of...

FLaG Work in Progress workshops


From messiness to meaning: how do we make sense of ambivalence and ‘contradiction’ in qualitative interviews? Emma Hyde People’s lives, perceptions, and relationships are inherently messy and often characterised by ambivalence and contradiction; how can we capture and generate meaning from this in qualitative data analysis? In this FLaG Work in Progress session, I will...

Work in Progress session, PGRs and staff - bring your lunch!


At this work in progress workshop we will be joined by Dr. Helen Norman (LUBS, and FLaG) who will present on her new research project on fatherhood and primary school aged children's educational development. Do join us. If you do not already have access to the Teams Work in Progress link please drop me an...