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We run a range of different events including research seminars, workshops and research methods training.

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FLaG Work in Progress workshops


From messiness to meaning: how do we make sense of ambivalence and ‘contradiction’ in qualitative interviews? Emma Hyde People’s lives, perceptions, and relationships are inherently messy and often characterised by ambivalence and contradiction; how can we capture and generate meaning from this in qualitative data analysis? In this FLaG Work in Progress session, I will...

Work in Progress session, PGRs and staff - bring your lunch!


At this work in progress workshop we will be joined by Dr. Helen Norman (LUBS, and FLaG) who will present on her new research project on fatherhood and primary school aged children's educational development. Do join us. If you do not already have access to the Teams Work in Progress link please drop me an...

Wendy Bottero: Rethinking Naturalisation


FLaG is delighted to host this seminar as part of the SSP seminar series. Dr Wendy Bottero (University of Manchester) recently published her book "A Sense of Inequality" and will draw from this in her presentation. To join the seminar follow the Zoom link details which follow the abstract below. Abstract A key theme in...

Work in Progress Session PGRs and staff -bring your lunch! 


Friday 26th March 1-2pm   Come and join us for a Work in Progress lunchtime session with PGRs and staff  PGR Vanessa Jimenez Sanchez will be sharing her work in progress on the trends of multidimensional poverty in Mexico at the national and sub-national level for the period 2008-2018. Dan Edmiston will also share some of his...

Professor Jacqueline Stevenson: 'The marginalisation of religious students in UK Higher Education’, 19th March


 “The marginalisation of religious students in UK higher education” Professor Jacqueline Stevenson (Director of the Lifelong Learning Centre and Co-Director of FLaG, University of Leeds) A link to the talk is here 10am - 11am, Friday 19th March The seminar will be followed by a PGR workshop 11am to 12 midday. There will be presentations by  Izram...

FLaG Writing Workshop


A space for Postgraduate Researchers to collectively and supportively face the challenges of writing together, with time to chat, set goals, write, and reflect on our progress in a friendly and collegial environment. Starting 12th February then fortnightly throughout the semester.

Work in Progress session for PGRs and academics - bring your lunch!


Friday 5th March 1-2pm   Come and join us for a Work in Progress lunchtime session with PGRs and staff  The sessions are an informal and enjoyable space to develop ideas around of our research. We hope to learn more about each other’s work and the processes of feedback, review, and reflection.  This session will be...

FLaG Writing Workshop


A space for Postgraduate Researchers to collectively and supportively face the challenges of writing together, with time to chat, set goals, write, and reflect on our progress in a friendly and collegial environment. Starting 12th February then fortnightly throughout the semester.

Work in Progress Session PGRs and staff -bring your lunch! 


Friday 19th Feb 1-2pm   Come and join us for a Work in Progress lunchtime session with PGRs and staff  The sessions are an informal and enjoyable space to develop ideas around of our research. We hope to learn more about each other’s work and the processes of feedback, review, and reflection.  This session will be...